Saturday, January 31, 2009


Linz and I dread getting up in the morning, layering up, driving to the gym to get sweaty, walking back to the car dripping with sweat in 20 degree weather and then driving back home to get ready for the day. Can you blame us? I didn't think so. We decided to try an at home workout plan. We bought after hearing many great reviews on it. It is a 90 day program we are supposed to do 6 days a week for anywhere from 1 hour to 1.5 hours. It involves resistance training, cardio, flexibility, martial arts and yoga. It defines FULL BODY workout. We started on Tuesday and started regretting it Wednesday. It is INTENSE! Yesterday morning I was acheing from every single muscle in my body, even the ones that just started growing since we started the workout. We are only on day 5 but we will keep you updated as we progress through the program and if there is enough difference between the before and after pics we might even post them. I am pretty optimistic about getting some good results just after these first few workouts we've done.

After all of the ice we have had this week I decided to wash my truck now that the roads were dried up. Good news, my truck is shiny white again. Bad news, I locked my keys in my truck at the car wash. :( I had about 30 minutes to stand there and polish up the water spots until my spare key arrived.

More bad news, as I was leaving the car wash I saw a wise man (in his 60's) slip on the ice and slammed his head on the ground. He was laying there motionless so I stopped and got out of my truck to run to him. He was bleeding out of the back of his head so I called 911 as his wife came running over. We waited there until EMSA came and helped them load him up. I think he was ok, but his wife wanted him to go to the hospital just to get checked out. She was very upset and crieing while he was cracking jokes lieing on the ice bleeding from his head. I did my best to comfort her which she appreciated and I think everyone was ok in the end.

Linz was working at the Sand Plum all day giving soon to be brides tours of the building. I am so glad she has a job in which she loves what she is doing. I am very proud of the hard work and dedication she puts into it. It's awesome to see God working in her and developing her skills and character through her different jobs and experiences.

We have made slight decor adjustments in the house, thanks to Ikea. They are not complete but will be soon hopefully. Of course pictures will be posted upon completion.

See ya.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Date Night

Linz and I took some much needed time to ourselves last night. We went out to eat at The Cheesecake Factory. I think it is safe for me to say this is Linz's FAVORITE restaurant. I had never actually been there before last night and it wasn't my first choice, but I also didn't really care too much as long as we got some good food. We loaded up in Porsche and drove our somewhat dressed up selves to the restaurant. I dropped off Linz and then hid Porsche in the back of the parking lot. Last night was in the 20's with pretty high winds so I didn't waste anytime making my way to the entrance.

Once inside it was only about a 20 minute wait and much warmer. We enjoyed an amazing dinner without the distractions of homework, weddings, kids (kaitlyn), cooking or cleaning. We both had our fill of appetizer bread and then boxed up half of our meals including cheesecake. It made for a good lunch today. Here we are last night.

Not a whole lot out of the norm happened this week. Lots of work for Linz and lots of school for me since ROTC started this week. I am the Special Projects Officer this semester which should be much easier and less time consuming than my squadron commander job last semester. So far I have had ample time to do homework and odd jobs around the house so I am really hoping this semester stays this way, but I don't really look for it to.

Linz has been extremely busy this week with work from all of the bridal shows they have been going to. Lots of work means lots of money, but also means lots of weddings being booked which means a lot more work in the future. Linz is going to work on some kind of work schedule so she will actually have down time.

The semester is starting off good so far and hopefully we can keep it under control.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Online Money Saving Opportunities

I just want to post up a few web sites for you online shoppers to check out. - They have one really good deal every day that changes at midnight. I believe shipping is $5.99 per item but there are still some great deals. - They also have one really good deal every day and it is typically electronics. - This one takes a few minutes to look through but you can find some awesome deals there as well. I just used a coupon code from there to get an extra 50% off Old Navy clearance items which were already 70% off. - This site offers up free software everyday. I believe it is a different program everyday and it's free if you want it. Each program is only free for the one day though, so don't wait. - I don't really know how much different wines cost but these are supposed to be good deals as well.

When you are purchasing something online type in "(company selling the item) coupon code" in google and it will pull up coupons that other people have used when purchasing from that same company. I can always at least find a 5% off coupon just by doing a quick search.

Hope this helps.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

We knew it wouldn't last.....

the Christmas break that is. School has now started once again and once again our lives are filled with ridiculously expensive books that don't get used as much as thier price tag would warrent, hours of coffee downing lectures, more homework and group projects than we care to list and of course tuition and fees. This is all in addition to that little thing we all like to partake in called LIFE.

Yes this semester will be very busy for us both, especially since Lindsay is working more than ever and we are both attending two different Universities, but it will be the last one for Lindsay and I know that this too shall pass. We will just take it one week at a time with the support of our awesome lifegroup, family and friends.

A quick recap on the last week of events for us:
1) My knee is much better, but is still only at about 70% maybe.
2) I rear ended an Accord in the truck at a stop sign, but no damage was done and I have heard nothing from the owner so hopefully I am in the clear.
3) We have been keeping Kaitlyn for a couple days at time, giving us our first taste of parenthood.......I am soooooo not ready! Kaitlyn is an amazingly well behaved and smart child, but even she almost wears me out. 2 thumbs up to you parents!!(even though I know Lindsay and I were the most well behaved and sweet children EVER)
4) We really want to go on a mission trip this year but don't know where to yet so if you come across any good ideas let us know. We would like to leave the country, but are not necessarily set on it.
5) Lindsay knocked out 2 intercession classes worth 3 credit hours. Way to go her!
6) We have a problem of sorts with our plumbing. Our toilets just don't quite have the flushing power they used to so Jack (our landlord) is coordinating with the plumber to come take a look. Hopefully that gets resolved before our plungers need replaced. :) I hope that wasn't too much info for ya.
7) We bought the Louie Giglio "Passion" series dvd's and are discussing those at lifegroup. He tries to put in perspective just how INDESCRIBABLE our God is. I would highly recommend at least watching "Indescribable" and "How Great is Our God". I believe is the cheapest place to purchase them.

That is about all we can think of for now and it's past our bedtime so I will end it here.

Oh, one more thing. The Lord has really been telling me that I need to work on establishing new relationships with people I am around on a regular basis but don't typically interact with. There are several co-workers that I would love to witness to or invite to church but I have never really talked with them before so I am going to focus on trying to establish a foundational relationship with them so they might have a more open mind when I mention Jesus or chuch in a conversation. This also applies to school. I need to at least build some type of relationship with the students around me so they would be more open to accepting a church invite. Please pray that I will be sensitive to the Spirit prompting me to talk with others and give me the courage to initiate that conversation.

Good Night.

I am too tired to proofread this so I apologize for mistakes.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Medical Marvels!!!

As some of you know I love motorcycles but seem to have a difficult time keeping the rubber side on the road. Well my brother and I went to look at a dirtbike we were considering purchasing and, to cut to the chase, I wrecked the thing before we even bought it. I was only going 7-10 mph and didn't damage the bike, but learned a valuable lesson that dirt tires don't grip pavement when leaned over in a corner so it's best to stay off the gas until the bike is more upright. Anyway I managed to bang my right knee up pretty good to the point where I couldn't bend it the next morning when I tried to get out of bed......Not cool!

On a side note. I am not real big on going to the doctor or taking medicine. It just seems to be a waste of money most of the time unless you know something is broken. I typically just go to and diagnose myself. It's much cheaper, but you don't get a doctor's note for work.....that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

Anyway so I follow webmd's directions: R-I-C-E Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate.....except I neglected the compression part. The mishap occurred on thursday and saturday it felt like it was getting better so I didn't bother worrieing about and was going to suffer through the mild pain and let it run its course.

Today at work I started thinking about what might happen if it heals wrong and then I am stuck with a screwed up knee for the next 75 years. That means no air force, no motorcycles, no traveling and I am stuck at wal-mart FORRRREEEEVVVEERRRRRRR(in the voice of the boys from "Sandlot"). So at the thought of my whole life being ruined I broke down and bought a brace, fully not expecting it to help one bit.

I must say I now have more open mind about off the shelf rehab products. The moment I put it on the stiffness and pain went away. I walk with a more pronounced limp, but I'm okay with that. I don't quite know why a little compression makes such a big difference, but I am a believer in R-I-C-E and the miracle brace. That's $14 I wish I would have spent on Friday.

I am going to go focus on the Rest portion again while you enjoy some pics from our cruise.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

I hope you all brought in the new year with a ton of fun, we sure did. We had a few friends over to the house for the celebration. We made pizzas, well Carl and Ashley made pizzas while the rest of us enjoyed their labor. I tried artichoke hearts for the first time....not too impressed. They rank just under mushrooms on my list of acceptable foods, not that you know where fungi ranks but anyway. The pizzas were really good as was the wine and champagne. We spent the evening laughing histerically as we played "Battle of the Sexes". Here are a few snapshots of the evening.Carl the Italian Pizza Boy

How am I supposed to know who/what "Marie Claire" is?

Lindsay, Ashley and Cheryl getting ready for the countdown.

Charles aka "Bendy Boy" enjoying his last few chews of some great pizza!

Laughing HYSTERICALLY all night! We are just funny people with FUNNY friends!