Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Our next 20 years.....

Ok... so I realize it has been a few weeks since we last posted, but no fear we are here. There really has not been a lot of new happenings going on. We are just starting spring break and love it. We had some friends over last night and made smores in the back yard. It was a beautiful night and the smores (all five of them) were delicious. I usually have pretty good self control but when I get a stick in my hand with a bag of marshmallows and a fire going, it takes everything but an act of God to get me to stop. I LOVE toasted marshmallows and putting them between chocolate and graham crackers is just too much to resist. Last night was just a nice tease of what it's like not having to mess with school.

Lindsay is still on par to graduate this May. YEAH!!!! I should be graduating this December. YEAH!!!! I will be commissioning next May. YEAH!!!! We are down to 14 months before some pretty dramatic changes in our lives. We are both extremely excited to see what exactly they will be.

I am currently in limbo waiting to find out what my job in the Air Force will be. I submitted my form today that tells what I want to do and the higher ups will cross reference that with what the Air Force needs me to do and hopefully come up with a match. At least I think that is how it works. I am really hoping none of that matters though...

There really isn't an officer job that I am excited about doing because most of them are basically office jobs (which is like telling Marilyn Monroe to be a rapper.) I have known this since I first started ROTC, so I have been praying for quite some time about this decision and as of Wednesday night I feel that God is leading me to be a pilot.

I have always dreamed of being a pilot, but never thought I was good enough, so I never even considered pursuing the possiblity. After Lindsay and I talked about it for awhile and I researched online, I really feel this is where God wants me to go. I have been on cloud 9 since then!! To hear that God wants me to pursue my ultimate dream and that it aligns with His will in our lives is the eptiome of good news.

I will fill out an application next Tuesday and then just wait to hear if they have accepted me as a pilot or not. I will keep you updated. Please keep me in your prayers that I am seeking God's will and not my own.

Well, it is that time of year again when the sun is shining down it's warmth, the birds are singing, and the grass is growing. I have to get outside and fire up the lawn mower for the first time this year. I actually enjoy cutting the grass most of the time. Lindsay is at work and I am off to enjoy the beautiful weather. See ya.

(That could be me.)

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